Maintenance Requests

What is An Emergency?

Emergency maintenance requests will be addressed as quickly as possible, based on availability of resources such as parts and/or service personnel. Completion of repair may not be same day!

Please note that Non-Emergency pages will result in a $100.00 fine!

To be sure your issue is an emergency, we’ve listed the situations considered to be emergencies:

Call 911 first, then our pager

Call 911 first, then our pager

Call gas company, then our pager

Turn off water to the home (via your main water shut-off valve), then call our pager. **Location of the main water shut-off is available on the Quick Property Info Sheet, provided at move-in.

Stop all water use, then call our pager

What is A Non-Emergency?

Anything not listed under ‘What is an Emergency’ is not an emergency. All non-emergency maintenance requests must be submitted via your tenant portal.

You may submit maintenance requests the following ways:

Tenant Responsibilities

  • Changing air filters
  • Changing water filters
  • Changing light bulbs

Save Yourself Money!

Some maintenance requests may be charged to the tenant if they are found to be unnecessary trips. Here’s a few common problems and their solutions so you can save time and money!

Certain electrical problems may be due to a tripped breaker. Always check your breaker box before calling for service. You will be charged for a service call if a tripped breaker is the cause of the problem. Additionally, check around sinks in kitchens and baths to see if any tripped GFI (Ground Fault Interrupt) outlets may be the cause of the problem. Pressing the reset button on these outlets will often restore power to that outlet and those around it. You will be charged for the service call if a tripped GFI outlet is the cause of the problem.

Make sure you’ve pushed in the reset button located on the bottom of your unit. You will be charged for the service call if a tripped reset button is the cause of the problem.
Replace the batteries. If the detector continues beeping, submit maintenance request. You will be charged for the service call if dead or dying batteries are the cause of the problem.

Flip any nearby light switches, and check dishwasher again. You will be charged for the service call if a light switch in the incorrect position is the cause of the problem. Sometimes the switch for a dishwasher is in a cabinet below the sink!

Ensure bulb is compatible with fixture. If still not working, replace the bulb. Louise Beck Properties does not replace light bulbs, under any circumstances, regardless of height, location, or style. You will be charged for the service call if an incompatible or missing bulb is the cause of the problem.

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